Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Railsea by China Mieville

China Mieville’s latest is Railsea (Macmillan £17.99). It’s “an epic journey for readers of all ages”:

“On board the moletrain Medes, Sham Yes ap Soorap watches in awe as he witnesses his first moldywarpe hunt … but Sham can't shake the sense that there is more to life. When they come across a wrecked train, at first it's a welcome distraction. But the impossible salvage Sham finds in the derelict leads to considerably more than he'd bargained for. Soon he's hunted on all sides: by pirates, trainsfolk, monsters and salvage-scrabblers. And it might not be just Sham's life that's about to change. It could be the whole of the railsea.”

Mieville is  the three-time recipient of the Arthur C Clarke Award, as well as winner of the BSFA, BFS, Hugo and World Fantasy awards

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