Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Silver Bough by Lisa Tuttle

Next month sees a new edition of Lisa Tuttle’s The Silver Bough (Jo Fletcher Books £14.99) – originally published in 2006 in the USA.

“Appleton is a small town nestled on the coast of Scotland. Though it was once famous for the apples it produced, these days it’s a shadow of its former self. But in a hidden orchard a golden apple dangles from a silver bough, an apple believed lost for ever. The apple is part of a legend, promising either eternal happiness to the young couple who eat from it secure in their love – or a curse, for those who take its gift for granted. Now, as the town teeters on the edge of decline, the old rituals have been forgotten and the mists are rolling in. And in the mist, something is stirring…”

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